Tahnee Yoga


Yin Yoga is the antidote to modern life - it is a cultural shift away from doing and achieving to being and surrendering. To create space, with intention, to pause, is an act of self empowerment and a quiet rebellion. You are more than enough, exactly as you are in this moment. Most of the time we have not allowed ourselves the spaciousness to lean into that truth. Your body is full of deep intelligence and wisdom. Let your practice lead you back to YOU.

“Heavy is the root of light. Still is the master of moving.” Verse 26, Dao de Ching, Ursula Le Guinn translation

Tahnee is a yoga teacher with a deep and resonant love of Yin Yoga and how it meets the alchemical magic of Taoism. She is also a practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang (Taoist abdominal massage) and a passionate advocate for the inherent shamanic wisdom of the body - hers, yours, ours. She is the mama of two (home-birthed) babies and co-parent of SuperFeast, the Taoist tonic herb company founded by her husband, Mason. Tahnee co-hosts the SuperFeast podcast and educates around yoga, Taoism, health, herbs, and motherhood.